January 20, 2025

6700 Raytown Rd, Raytown, Mo 64133

Come to Learn. Come to Believe. Come to Abiding Faith.

Sun School Schedule

1 min read

Success and Failure
UNIT I: Obedience and Success

Sept. 3—Be Strong and Courageous—Josh. 1:1-6; 11:16-19, 21-23
Sept. 10—Rahab and the Spies—Josh. 2:3-9, 15-16, 22-24
Sept. 17—The Fall of Jericho—Josh. 6:2-4, 12-20a
Sept. 24—Ehud Frees Israel—Judg. 3:15-25, 29-30
Oct. 1—God Confirms Gideon’s Mission—Judg. 7:2-4, 13-15; 8:22-25

UNIT II: Disobedience and Failure
Oct. 8—The Sin of Achan—Josh. 7:1, 10-12, 20-26
Oct. 15—A Backsliding People—Judg. 2:16-23
Oct. 22—Israel Rejects God as King—I Sam. 9:1-2; 10:17-26

UNIT III: Lessons and Warnings
Oct. 29—Joshua’s Final Exhortation—Josh. 24:1, 14-24
Nov. 5—Rebuke and Repentance—Judg. 10:10-18
Nov. 12—David’s Sin and Punishment—II Sam. 11:2-5, 14-18, 26-27; 12:13-15
Nov. 19—A Rebuke from the Lord—Amos 5:14-15, 18-27
Nov. 26—Judgment and Exile—II Chr. 36:15-21; Ps. 137:1-6